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Potential Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Myanmar

Potential Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Myanmar

MMBC will be hosting a webinar session entitled “Potential Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Myanmar” with the support of World Bank Myanmar. MMBC is delighted to invite members to join in this particular session which we trust will be insightful as most businesses in Myanmar are returning back to full workforce conditions. Mr. Hans Anand Beck from World Bank will be presenting how businesses are going to continue to be affected by COVID-19 and to discuss the effects that COVID-19 trade support measures are having on businesses in ASEAN. The webinar is scheduled to be held on Thursday (16th July 2020) at 2 pm to 3 pm. Please register participation through the attached form as registration will be limited to the first 100 participants. 

Speaker Profile

Hans Anand Beck is a macro-economist with 20 years of experience working on Economic Development issues. He is currently the World Bank Lead economist for Myanmar. Before this he held several positions at the World Bank, including Senior Country Economist for Indonesia and advisor to the United Kingdom Executive Director to the World bank and IMF, through the Global Financial Crisis. He has also worked as a country economist for the UK Department for International Development, in countries such as Vietnam, Pakistan and the Congo (DRC). Hans started his career as a Fellow with the UK’s Overseas Development Institute and took his under- and post graduate degrees from the London School of Economics and Political Science.